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'Back' to School

Updated: May 4, 2023

Back to school children back pain

It's that time of year again where we brush the dust off the backpack, dig out the winter uniform, grab the school shoes and wonder how we are going to make lunchboxes interesting for the next 12 weeks. The start of the academic year often brings renewed resolve to walk to school more, be more punctual than we were in July and to sign our children up for extracurricular activities as they grow and develop more skills. It is also a great time to go through our handy 'Back' to school check list to make sure they are taking care of their bodies.

  • Back-pack - make sure, where possible, they use both straps when carrying. This equalises the load correctly across the back and shoulders which helps reduce strain. Make sure the straps (preferably padded) are the correct length. They should be shortened so the base of the bag is level with the low back/waistline. This holds the bag closely to the body, prevents putting extra load on the spine and stops it being bounced around when they walk. Minimise the carrying load by leaving heavy things at school, (or in a locker if in secondary school) or empty their water bottle before you walk home. The less weight you carry over the shortest distance, the better for your spine.

Children carrying school back pack

  • School Shoes - You can't beat well- fitting, good quality footwear with sufficient arch support, especially if walking to and from school. Kids spend hours a day running and playing in footwear that needs to be able to keep up with the demands of this level of activity. Unfortunately, school shoes often have to look smart and do not come cheap, so explore wearing a decent pair of smart black trainers (if school policy allows). This can often be a more affordable option and provides a shoe that has been designed with exercise and support, in mind. Ask retailers to point you in the direction of a shoe with sufficient arch support and flexibility through the sole and make sure they are fitted correctly so that growing feet have enough toe-box space to prevent rubbing.

  • New activities - The start of the school year often signals the start of new activities or a return to previous ones after a break. Easing in to these gently and making sure to properly stretch as part of a cool down, can go a long way to preventing any aches or pains. Follow the guidance of sports coaches and trainers to prevent injury and feel free to contact us here at Melyn Therapies for tailored support.

Child bad sitting posture
  • Education - during the school day, be aware of how your child will be sitting, either on the carpet for younger children, or at a desk. Make sure they are aware of how to sit comfortably and correctly, avoiding slouching and getting up and moving around every 20 mins or so.

  • Get outdoors and have fun!

Returning to school can be an exciting time, full of new activities, new friends and new possibilities. Don't let aches and pains spoil their fun, for further information and support on how to keep your kids moving, contact us here

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